The Huge Shift for Women to Lift!


In the last 5 years, there has been a huge shift in women’s health and an embracement of resistance training for health benefits and aesthetics. A common misconception, women believed that by lifting weights, they would automatically develop huge, thick, unsightly muscles and thought that they would be better served spending their time on the treadmill to melt away fat! Finally, we have come to realise that this is simply not true and the very thing that we once feared has become the answer to unlocking true health and the body that women have always wanted! Continue reading “The Huge Shift for Women to Lift!”

An office worker’s guide to reducing inflammation


Office workers today are prime candidates for unnecessary low-grade inflammation in the body, whether they know it or not. This short article will highlight some of the dangers from preventable inflammation and give simple tips for to avoid inflammation altogether. As they say “prevention is better than the cure,” so why wait for it to become a problem? Continue reading “An office worker’s guide to reducing inflammation”

Grow Mo’ Awareness For Men’s Health

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It’s that time a year when the moustache population expands worldwide in an effort to raise awareness for men’s health, in particular for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. This phenomenon, known as Movember, started in 2004 in Australia and New Zealand, has now become a global cause that aims to change the face of men’s health by encouraging men to grow a moustache whilst raising money and awareness. Continue reading “Grow Mo’ Awareness For Men’s Health”

The mental approach for successful training


Mindset – See article “The Mental Approach For Successful Training” here 

Before you spend all your hard earned cash, make sure you have the right mental approach, to ensure that you will follow through with it. There is nothing more cliché than buying a stationary bike to collect dust or a gym membership that never gets used. Studies have shown that up to 67% of gym memberships rarely get used at all. Which means the odds are stacked against you even making it to the gym, let alone being successful in your training goals!

Continue reading “The mental approach for successful training”

Get outside your comfort zone for breakthroughs in performance


The feeling of comfort can often be the Achilles heel blocking you from where you are now to where you want to be. Throughout your life, you have probably heard the saying, “get out of your comfort zone” or “stop playing it safe”. Like many people, I used to roll my eyes when I heard these types of statements from parents, teachers, coaches and anyone offering free life lessons. Continue reading “Get outside your comfort zone for breakthroughs in performance”

Why you need to foam roll


If you have a job that makes you sit for a living or have been training for a while, chances are there are tissues in your body that are in need of some attention from a foam roller or a professional massage therapist. With “sitting becoming the new smoking,” there are a myriad of negative health implications that can affect your body and it’s ability to maintain mobility in certain joints along with weakness in muscles.

Continue reading “Why you need to foam roll”