The mental approach for successful training


Mindset – See article “The Mental Approach For Successful Training” here 

Before you spend all your hard earned cash, make sure you have the right mental approach, to ensure that you will follow through with it. There is nothing more cliché than buying a stationary bike to collect dust or a gym membership that never gets used. Studies have shown that up to 67% of gym memberships rarely get used at all. Which means the odds are stacked against you even making it to the gym, let alone being successful in your training goals!

Continue reading “The mental approach for successful training”

Get outside your comfort zone for breakthroughs in performance


The feeling of comfort can often be the Achilles heel blocking you from where you are now to where you want to be. Throughout your life, you have probably heard the saying, “get out of your comfort zone” or “stop playing it safe”. Like many people, I used to roll my eyes when I heard these types of statements from parents, teachers, coaches and anyone offering free life lessons. Continue reading “Get outside your comfort zone for breakthroughs in performance”

A healthy hack for more energy in the morning


Asking if you want more energy is like saying “do you want more money?” I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want more morning energy (or more money for that matter…) I have a simple, inexpensive way to improve your energy levels without ergogenic aids like caffeine and other stimulants. Over the last few years I was someone who abused caffeine and was stuck in the cycle of loading up on it to meet the demands of a rigorous lifestyle. Waking up at 5:15am everyday with 3 shots of espresso, followed by a long black at 10am and a pre-workout stimulant that had enough caffeine to give Keith Richards a high! … Continue reading “A healthy hack for more energy in the morning”

A key factor for success in health, WRITE IT DOWN!


The further down the rabbit hole I have moved with life, education, performance and results for both clients and myself, I realise that data, analytics and the power of the mind create success. Whether it’s for looking good, increasing strength or being successful at a particular task, you need to have a measurable number and an assessment process that can help you determine if you’re moving in the desired direction. Continue reading “A key factor for success in health, WRITE IT DOWN!”