How to level up in 2018 – Goals and New Years resolutions

I hope you’ve had a challenging and successful 2017, filled with mistakes, new skills and plenty of laughter.

I invite and wish everyone to set bigger goals and do more in 2018.

There is many people that down play setting New Years resolutions and for good reason.

Stats suggest that most resolutions don’t stick.

Yes, this may be the case they don’t stick or we drop the bundle in February… But I don’t think there is anything bad with taking a swing.

You might not have ticked off everything in 2017, but sometimes just the act or intention can create a ripple effect we can’t measure.

Being ambitious with your resolutions is something I encourage. Playing it safe will only yield mediocre results.

Fail forwards in 2018. You might set 10 resolutions and only achieve 3…

If you set zero goals then chances are you’ll achieve close to zero.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”Wayne Gretzky

I have a practical goal setting guide that can help with compliance (for health & fitness goals). Submit email below for your FREE guide. See related article on setting goals.

See my latest YouTube clip below for my year in review and overcoming seeds of doubt. I spent a lot of time on this project and hope you enjoy.

I have some big things in store for 2018 and big named guest for the podcast. So stay tuned and subscribed to iTunes & Stitcher

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